Support our students by contributing to SkillsUSA Maine , while helping our future generation of highly skilled workforce.
SkillsUSA Maine is committed to providing each member and chapter with the resources needed to create highly qualified talent, with your support we can do just that!
Your gift helps ensure SkillsUSA Maine teachers are equipped to train and inspire thousands of students to become the best possible members of American’s workforce — a workforce in which over 50,000 skilled jobs are going unfilled in just Maine alone.
Together, we can do more to equip these teachers. We will continue to develop and disseminate programs and materials they need to help close the skills gap.
Donations to SkillsUSA Maine are tax deductible to the extent provided by law.
Make checks out to 88 Cunningham Ridge Rd, Surry, ME 04684
To make a secure donation, click on the button below to make a donation through PayPal.